Who likes parting ways with their hard earned money? The answer: no one. Everyone works hard to earn the money they have, and they are not happy when they have to spend too much of it. This is one of the many reasons why people...
Here at Covington Bail Bonds we’re proud of our highly trained bail agents. They are the driving force behind our company. They work hard to get you out of jail and are always there when you need them. However, some people do not know what...
What occurs after you are arrested is much like what you see on television: you are photographed, fingerprinted, searched, and recorded. You are informed of your rights, which include remaining silent and having a lawyer present. As a general rule, it’s wiser to use these...
Many people, when trying to bail out their family member, want to know how long it will take. For obvious reasons, they want their loved one out of jail as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, there are some jails that do not work very quickly...
When you need to bail someone out of jail, you want to do it quickly. This is a very stressful time for you, and you know it is even worse for your loved one in jail. It is completely understandable that you want to get...
Time is a very precious resource in everyday situations, but during stressful situations, it becomes invaluable. When you are trying to rescue someone, especially a friend or family member, from jail, you do not want to waste any time. You begin the rescue attempt right...
While most people have heard of bail bonds agencies, few actually understand what they are or how the bail bonds process works until a loved one is arrested and requires a bail bond.The main function of a bail bonds agency is to provide the accused...
Posting bail means you’re free to go home, work, and spend time with your family while you wait for your case to wind its way through the legal system. What some people don’t realize is that being out on bail doesn’t give them permission to...
Whenever someone has to face something unpleasant, they want to finish it as quickly as possible. After all, that’s why many people will say things like: “Let’s get this over with.” This fact rings true for a lot of different situations, including bailing someone out...
When a person is suddenly thrust into a new experience, they can have trouble finding their footing. This is especially true in areas that have a lot of unique wording and terms that aren’t used in day to day life. For instance, people who have...
There are many reasons you should turn to Covington Bail Bonds when you or a loved one needs a bail bond. One of those reasons is that we offer phone approval bail bonds. You won’t believe how much the phone approval simplifies your current situation.What...